Monday, September 27, 2010


dear little leah, 

you are one smart cookie. you are getting so much better with choices. i know most 3 year olds just say what's on their mind rather than choosing between two options their mom picked out in the first place. you don't have that luxury. but, because i know you have your own opinions and preferences, i try to give you options whenever i can. 

choosing your clothes is one of them. you have friends that will NOT wear dresses. you have friends that will ONLY wear dresses. you have friends that wear costumes every day. you have friends that insist upon dressing themselves, resulting in very creative ensembles. i try to keep this in mind when we dress you in the morning and give you options of what you can wear. 

and, surprise, surprise, you usually have an opinion! 

school picture day was no different. dad and i had two outfits we liked. he preferred one, i the other. so i decided to leave it up to you! you should have a say in what you wear in your very first pictures, right? 

obviously you chose my outfit. but to dad's credit, both options were cute. it was basically a win-win. this choice was pretty obvious, what with you leaning on the chosen outfit and all.
you've worked hard with eye gaze and we're so proud of you. thanks for choosing us to be your parents even if we stink at it most of the time. we sure love you. 

mommy {and daddy}

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